MayZine Subscription


Dongnyun Jung
The Chairperson of the May 18 Memorial Foundation

This year marks the 41st anniversary of the May 18 Democratic Uprising. Back in May 1980, Gwangju was the place where people became a miracle to each other in the most desperate moments. In such a critical juncture between life and death, people shared whatever little food they had, like rice balls, and lined up in queues to donate their bloods. They took care of the wounded in the face of gunfire. They taught the lesson that helping, encouraging and sharing is the way we can defy and win over unjust state violence. After May 1980, the Democratic Uprising in the isolated city of Gwangju spread across the country and beyond.

Recently, ruthless violence by the Myanmar military regime has caused numerous casualties. The massacre seen in Gwangju in May 1980 is repeating itself in Myanmar. Upholding the spirit of the May 18 Democratic Uprising, Gwangju has formed the “Gwangju Solidarity to Oppose the Military Coup in Myanmar and Support its Democratization” through collaboration across the private, public and political sectors. Not only Gwangju but also global solidarity for peace and human rights is reaching out to Myanmar.

The present situation in Myanmar reminds me of those 1`foreign correspondents and Korean nationals living abroad who spread the news of Gwangju to the outside world 41 years ago. Thanks to the dedication of many people around the world who extended their helping hands first and responded to the tears and pains of people in Gwangju, the May 18 Democratic Uprising became one of Korea's most important democratization movements. The May 18 Memorial Foundation will strive to shed light on the efforts of people who have supported us.

This year also marks the 10th anniversary that documents related to the May 18 Democratic Uprising were registered as the Memory of the World with UNESCO in May 2011. The registration meant Gwangju citizens’ noble spirit was recognized by the international community as dedication to human rights and democracy. Significance lies in the point that the universal values of human rights, democracy, and peace, which were represented by the May 18 Democratic Uprising are now shared with people across the globe.

However, there is still an unsolved issue, which is that the truth has not been properly clarified yet. It is a challenge facing the 5.18 Democratic Uprising and more efforts should be made to tell the truth. All of us should gather our strength and wisdom in order to clear suspicions around the movement.

Lastly, on the occasion of the 41st anniversary, I would like to convey my gratitude once again to everyone who has made uppermost efforts to promote the spirit and value of the May 18th Democratic Uprising across the world.