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CA USA 518 Democratization Movement Anniversary

A big step forward to the May 18 Democratic Uprising earning global recognition

May 18 was proclaimed as an anniversary in the US, for the first time outside of Korea.

At the dawn of August 9 (Korean time), the California State Assembly passed a bill to designate May 18 as the anniversary of the democratization movement in California (HR120: HOUSE RESOLUTIONNO. 120), saying that the May 18 Democratization Movement led to democratization in Korea and aligns with the United States founding fathers’ idea of a country of freedom. Reps Steven Choi (Republican Party, first generation of Korean immigrants) authored the bill, jointly proposed by Ken Cooley (Chairperson of the Judicial Committee, Democratic Party), Sharon Quirk-Silva (Democratic Party), and Miguel Santiago (Democratic Party).

The legislation was also attributable to the efforts of Korean immigrants who have staged commemorative events to honor the May 18 democratization movement across the US. Over 600,000 Koreans reside in California, where the late Yoon Han-bong, the last wanted by the then Korean military regime among those involved in the democratization movement, established a school to promote the noble spirit of democratization activists. After the bill was passed, the May 18 Commemorative Day Designation Bid Committee held an event to congratulate the legislation, which was joined by Chairman Won Soon-seok and Go Jae-dae, the director of International Affairs from the May 18th Memorial Foundation.

The May 18th Memorial Foundation plans to build upon this legislation and further its efforts to promote the spirit of May 18 Democratization Movement, such as making a strong drive on its activities to get the UDPMA (the Universal day for prevention of Militarism and Authoritarianism) designated by the United Nations.

Progress report

  • House Resolution: HR 120 : relative to the anniversary of the 5·18 Democratization Movement
  • Purpose: the Assembly of the State of California to proclaim May 18, 2022, and each May 18 thereafter, as the anniversary of the 5.18 Democratization Movement in California.
  • Progress
    • 2021. 12.~2022. 5: preparatory activities
    • 2022. 5. 18 : submission of the bill to the State Assembly
    • 2022. 6. 21 : four representatives’ joint proposal of the bill

※ Reps Steven Choi (Republican Party, first generation of Korean immigrants) authored the bill

jointly proposed by Ken Cooley (Chairperson of the Judicial Committee, Democratic Party)

Sharon Quirk-Silva (Democratic Party) , and Miguel Santiago (Democratic Party).

  • 2022. 6. 24 : passed by the Judicial Committee of the State Assembly
  • 2022. 8. 8. : proclamation ceremony of the resolution