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Foundation News

2021 Academic Conference of the May 18 Memorial Foundation

1. Academic Conference on Human and National Security in the Post-Corona Era Feb. 25, 2021

Academic Conference jointly hosted by the Korean Political Science Association,
the Presidential Policy Planning Committee, the May 18 Memorial Foundation

“Disasters induce the preservation and development of communities.”

An academic conference was held at the Kimdaejung Convention Center on February 25th under the theme of “Human Security and National Security in the Post-Corona Era”. At the conference hosted by the Korean Political Science Association (Chairman Nam-guk Kim), the Presidential Policy Planning Committee (Chairman Dae-yeop Cho), and the May 18 Memorial Foundation (BOD Chairman Cheol-woo Lee), participants discussed measures to cope with the threat posed by the disastrous epidemic of COVID-19, with a focus on three areas; protection of the public, decentralization, and regional governance.

The issues which our society has faced since 2020 were classified into four categories: ▲ May 18 Democratization Uprising and the spread of the concept of human security; ▲ Decentralization, and crisis management governance; ▲ Role of the state in times of crisis and tasks for political and social reform; ▲ Changing international order and reorganization of national security. These issues were discussed in two perspectives; the traditional concept of “national security” and the newly emerging “human security”.

Sang-won Lee, professor of Incheon National University, said that the May 18 uprising should not be seen as just a state violence, but that it showed the political potential of civic virtues revealed in people’s resistance to the violent reality and aspiration for a true state. In addition, he suggested that if we are going to understand the pain and violence they suffered, we should ponder on Gwangju citizens' autonomy and pursuit of a true state reflected in the May 18 Uprising.

Sang-bok Ha, professor of Mokpo University, said that the political symbols decorating the May 18th National Cemetery and ceremonies are the space and time that recalls the sacrifice for democracy in the name of the nation and the people, but that it should also be a place where the voices of the victims are left as images.

Jin-seong Gong, professor of Chosun University, pointed out that disasters mean dangers but that they induce the preservation and development of communities by making citizens put public interest over private interest. He said when a disaster breaks out, overcoming fear through solidarity is an important virtue of citizens. In that regard, he emphasized that the May 18 Uprising was an unprecedented political disaster in modern Korean history, but in the midst of disaster, people were reborn as dedicated members of the community, and that through their voluntary participation and sacrifice, the community was preserved and grew into the democratic republic.

2. Collective Trauma over May 18 and Social Healing from the Perspective of Human Rights (June 15, 2021)

Academic Symposium on “Searching for Social Healing of Collective Trauma over May 18”
Jointly organized by the May 18 Memorial Foundation and Social Sciences Research Institute of Gyeongsang National University
: 6 presentation, 7 panelists

The May 18 Memorial Foundation (Chairman Dong-nyun Jung) and the Social Healing Research Center at the Social Science Research Institute (Director Young-seok Kim) of Gyeongsang National University held an academic symposium under the theme of [Social Healing of May 18 Collective Trauma from the Perspective of Human Rights: Toward Victimology of State Crimes] The symposium was held at 1 pm at the May 18 Democratization Uprising Archives on June 15 and consisted of three sessions.

It was designed to share the result of the “Research on Psychological and Sociological Samples related to Collective Trauma of Victims to the May 18 Democratization Uprising” conducted from October 2020 to May 2021 by a group of researchers led by Prof. Myung-hee Kim of Gyeongsang National University as part of the investigation task of the “May 18 Democratization Uprising Fact Finding Committee”. It is meaningful that the research was based on the records of life stories voiced by May 18 victims.

3. The May 18 and the Provincial Government Office (November 12, 2021)

How should we learn and understand the May 18 Democratization Uprising?
Academic conference on “May 18 and the Provincial Government Office”
on the 41st anniversary of the May 18 Democratization Uprising

The May 18 Memorial Foundation held an academic conference to commemorate the 41st anniversary of the May 18 Democratization Uprising on November 12 at Daedong Hall of the May 18 Memorial Cultural Center, under the theme of “May 18 and the Provincial Government Office”. Four presentations and 14 panelists discussion continued from 10:00 to 17:00.

Part 1 of the conference began after participants watched a video on discussion about the demolition of medial wall made by director Sang-woo Kang at the Asia Culture Center. The session was moderated by Jin-woo Park, head of the research division of the May 18 Memorial Foundation.